Samstag, Juni 05, 2010

Auch Terrorvorwürfe gegen IHH brechen zusammen

The IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) has backed down from the claim that forty activists in the Gaza flotilla, who had resisted the ship's interception by Israeli commandos in international waters on Monday, are "al Qaeda mercenaries."

Some participants in the Gaza convoy are members of Insan Hak ve Hürriyetleri İnsani Yardım Vakfı --the Foundation for Human Rights, Liberties, and Humanitarian Relief-- IHH, a Turkish non-governmental organizaion (NGO) established in the early 1990s. Its mission is to provide humanitarian relief in regions of conflict or that have experienced natural disasters. For the past six years, IHH has held Special Consultative status as an NGO (non-governmental organization) in the United Nations Economic and Social Council.

According to Max Blumenthal, when he and Lia Tarachansky, an Israel-based freelance journalist fluent in Hebrew, called the IDF requesting more conclusive evidence of al Qaeda affiliation than possession of bullet-proof vests and night vision goggles, they were each told, "We don't have any evidence." The IDF press release had been based on information emanating from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's National Security Council.

Die Frage ist, ob die Rücknahme dieser Vorwürfe angesichts der Aggressivität der aktuellen Hetzkampagnen nicht zu spät stattfindet. Blogs wie "die Achse des Guten", "Politically Incorrect" & Co. haben in den letzten Jahren für eine Atmosphäre gesorgt, in der Israel kaum etwas falsch und ein Moslem kaum etwas richtig machen kann:

But the condemnation of IHH participants now ricocheting around the blogosphere isn't about to go away anytime soon. The sad truth (…) is that the IDF gave in on the paltry evidence gleaned from photos of night vision goggles and bullet proof vests because they believe they a weapon much more powerful--a pro-Israel blogosphere where no Israeli Jew can do anything wrong, and no Muslim can do anything right. And the claim that there is a link between "Islamic terrorism" and the participants in the Gaza flotilla doesn't need any pictures--a thousand words will do.

Hier findet man die vollständige Analyse darüber, wie die aktuelle Hasskamapgne gegen den Islam auch von Israel gesteuert wurde.