Donnerstag, April 30, 2009

Durban: "Israel hat die Debatte gewonnen, der Anti-Rassismus verloren"

Representing the Alternative Information Center at Geneva, I was the only Israeli-Jew participating in this important gathering.

Bemerkenswert an Michael Warschawskis Augenzeugenbericht ist unter anderem, dass auch er die von praktisch allen führenden Medien kolportierte Meldung Ahmadinedschad habe eine antisemitische Rede gehalten, nicht bestätigen kann:

Even the most critical journalists had to admit that in Geneva there was not even a shadow of anti-Semitic statements or acts, and in order to continue the campaign of delegitimacy around the accusation of anti-Semitism, the Israeli propaganda machine had to falsify the speech of Iranian President Ahmadinejad, who according to the official protocol and the Secretariat of the UN Conference, didn’t negate the Jewish genocide, as widely attributed to him by the media. A mere and rude fabrication manufactured by the Israeli-US lobby “UN Watch.” The very fact that UN Watch didn’t hesitate to add a paragraph to the speech of the Iranian President confirms how far the US-Israeli lobby was ready to go in order to de-legitimize the UN Conference on Racism, and the UN in general, by using the terrible accusation of anti-Semitism.