Junge von zehn Frauen vergewaltigt
Ein aktueller Artikel weist darauf hin, dass Frauen auch, wenn es um sexuelle Gewalt geht, nicht "von Natur aus" die besseren Menschen sind, sondern dass auch hier der sozale Kontext eine Rolle spielt. Schauplatz der Tat ist nicht Deutschland, sondern ein Inselstaat im Pazifik, der zu Australien gerechnet wird:
A 17-year-old village boy has been gang raped by 10 knife wielding women in Papua New Guinea, police say.
Southern Highlands Province police commander Teddy Tei told AAP the gang of women attacked the schoolboy just outside the provincial centre of Mendi on Friday. "This is a serious matter and police are trying to identify who these animals are," he said. "More than 10 women with kitchen knives attacked him and four women had sexual intercourse with him".
The boy went to hospital for treatment, he said. Police commander Tei said he feared the women may have infected the young man with HIV/AIDs.
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