Donnerstag, September 02, 2010

Neue Studie der Universität Kent: Jungen von Lehrerinnen zurückgehalten, die Geschlechterklischees verstärken

Die britische Universität Kent überraschte gestern mit einer aufsehenerregenden Untersuchung:

Women teachers are holding back boys by reprimanding them for typically male behaviour, according to a study out today. They are reinforcing stereotypes that boys are ‘silly’ in class, refuse to ‘sit nicely like the girls’ and are more likely to indulge in ‘schoolboy pranks’. Women teachers may also unwittingly perpetuate low expectations of boys’ academic achievement and encourage girls to work harder by letting them think they are cleverer.

(...) Bonny Hartley, the study’s lead author, said: ‘By seven or eight years old, children of both genders believe that boys are less focused, able, and successful than girls – and think that adults endorse this stereotype. There are signs that these expectations have the potential to become self-fulfilling in influencing children’s actual conduct and achievement.’ Girls as young as four think they are cleverer, try harder and are better behaved than equivalent boys, her study found. By the age of seven and eight, boys also believe that their female classmates are more likely have these qualities.

Wer über die verheerenden Folgen von Vorurteilen gegen Muslime spricht, sollte von den verheerenden Folgen von Vorurteilen gegen Männer nicht schweigen.

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